Decision Nerds
We talk about human behaviour and decision-making with an investment slant. And tell terrible jokes.
Join us as we dive into the trenches with industry innovators, academics and mavericks.
Decision Nerds
Regrette, je regrette beaucoup de choses
Does fear of getting things wrong stop you from making decisions?
If so, you’re not alone. Regret can have a profound impact on our choices.
In this short episode, we unpack the challenges, discuss some solutions and use the timely case of thematic investment funds as a case in point. We tackle:
The psychological nature of regret – why it can be useful, but also harmful.
How regret can impact the best and bright of us – smarts and market knowledge are no defence.
How it can hurt our choices from FOMO to delayed decisions – we discuss the case surrounding thematic funds.
Some simple tweaks that can reduce the fear of getting things wrong – the value of processes, monitoring choices and justifiability.
How we can help other people help us – self-knowledge and Joe and my challenges in this area, including Joe’s parents’ day race travails…